Brand New Mini Course



With Sales Expert
✨Marla Mattenson✨

Effortlessly & Instantly Increase Your Rates, Your Confidence, And Your Sales

Does this sound familiar? Are you…

This 4-part video series is for coaches, lawyers, therapists, advisors, facilitators, guides — perfect for all service-based professionals, whether you’re well-established or just starting out.

Works for products, too!

By the end of this 4-part series, you’ll know exactly how to…

Raise your rates with current clients without scaring them away

Get paid so well for the work you’re doing that you’ll want to overdeliver for your clients

Attract clients who don’t bat an eye at your prices and see you as an expert

Step into a new level of leadership & expertise, and become the person who doesn’t even worry about price increases (and the market responds accordingly)

Create rock-solid confidence in your work with prices that match

Identify your magic number that is a “hell yes!” for you and your client

Avoid the most common pitfalls when raising rates

Raising your prices is one of the easiest ways to avoid spreading yourself thin and burning yourself out. Continue to serve by helping yourself, too!

Ready to work far less and earn a lot more money?