Our whole community was created to make your life easier: to help you feel as comfortable in the Sales Part of your business as you feel in the Fulfillment Part of your business.

We’ve worked with thousands of tender-hearted thought leaders and practitioners.

The #1 thing we’ve learned is that “One Size Fits All” solutions do not work for people like us. Because…

We like to be unique, seen, and connect with others in a genuine way.

We like to think for ourselves.

Our community has a philosophy of giving you vital step-by-step details, instead of just a few summaries or quick overviews.

We believe intelligent people establish clarity by looking at detailed information, and that means we get you the necessary information to make informed decisions.

These are a few of the problems and issues our community deals with. Do you see your challenges reflected in them?

As you look through these topics below, consider how solving them could change your life and your business for the better.

(1 min read)

As I navigate my business life, I confront financial challenges that weigh heavy on my peace of mind.

I grapple with the delicate balance of raising my rates.

I find myself thinking:

“I must find a way to raise my rates that both reflects the value I bring to the table and also has my clients feeling positive about the investment they make in my services.”

“I don’t know how to inform my clients I raised my rates without causing damage to our valued relationship.”

Despite pouring my soul into my work, I often do not earn enough for the immense effort I invest.

It’s a disheartening disconnect that I am determined to fix: I need to ensure that my compensation truly mirrors the quality and depth of my contributions.

The unpredictability of my income stream is another persistent worry:

I yearn for a predictable income that doesn’t fluctuate wildly from month to month, offering me stability and the ability to confidently plan for my future.

I struggle with feeling like I need to negotiate my rates… Sometimes even in the middle of a conversation with potential clients.

My desire? To establish and communicate my rates with such conviction that the need for negotiation dissolves, affirming the value I know my services provide.

(1 min read)

Self-doubt creeps into my sales conversations:

In the quiet moments after guiding my clients, the ghost of self-doubt emerges, whispering of impostor syndrome: a specter that clouds my sense of professional worth and belonging.

This shadow looms over me, casting doubt on the value of my expertise, and my role in this intricate dance of commerce and calling. 

The art of selling feels foreign to my heart, igniting a turmoil that pits passion against the practicalities of business.

This internal battle breeds a paralyzing fear that stalks my dreams of purposeful work, painting grim visions of financial and existential ruin. 

My sales confidence falters.

Even when my confidence seems to follow my ambition, impostor syndrome skulks in the wings… Ready to undermine my sales presentation with insidious whispers.

Sometimes this forces a chameleon-like adaptation of my services and fees. 

I feel like I’m constantly recalibrating my offer out of doubt in myself and the value of my services. It’s frustrating!

While I want to lead with conviction, self-doubt often orchestrates my sales conversations: a deceptive tune that calls into question the legitimacy of my expertise and place within my field. 

I ask myself: “Am I genuinely opposed to selling? Or is it the fear of rejection that unnerves me?”

Sometimes, I’m concerned my offerings and client programs might not resonate as deeply as I believe.

And despite many achievements and an external projection of competence, this internal monologue chips away at my foundation, making me question the very essence of my entrepreneurial spirit.

I’m haunted by the What If’s.

They’re sometimes paralyzing fears that keeps me at a crossroads, unable to move forward into the life I envision.

I realize there’s a conflict within me: a mismatch between my passion for my calling and the energy required for business mechanics.

Talking About Myself & Selling Makes Me Feel ICKY
(2 min read)

The act of selling feels foreign or contradictory to my fundamental approach to relationships and my professional ethics.

Selling seems to force a compromise on my core values, potentially eroding trust, and pulling me away from my deep-seated belief in prioritizing service over self-interest.

I’m uncomfortable with Self-Promotion:

  • I’m a professional in my field. Sales seem undignified to me.
  • It feels like the selling process reduces the potent, transformative experiences I provide to a mere transaction. It seems to trivialize the profound impact of what I offer.
  • I worry that the short-term focus of sales is at odds with my emphasis on long-term relationships. 
  • The urgency to close deals feels intrusive and contrary to my dedication to my clients’ ongoing growth.
  • Self-Promotion feels at odds with my desire to be generous and empathetic.
  • Selling makes me feel like I’m boasting or not being my authentic self.
  • I value empathy far more than economics!
  • It feels like I’m betraying my principles when I’m in a conversation focused more on transactions than connections.

Sales make me feel out of integrity, like I’m not being authentic and true to myself.

I’m afraid that selling could erode my authenticity. There’s a fine line between providing genuine guidance and using persuasive tactics, and I fear crossing it.

I prioritize integrity over influence, and the persuasive aspect of sales does not align with my role as an unbiased advisor:

  • It feels as though I am sometimes compromising my ethics for the sake of a sale.
  • I dislike the rigidity of sales scripts; they feel constricting and don’t allow for the organic, tailored conversation I’m used to providing. They strip the individuality from my interactions, which feels fundamentally wrong.
  • I worry that engaging in sales might make me appear self-serving rather than genuinely focused on a potential client’s well-being.
  • I thrive on relational depth, and sales conversations can feel shallow to me: they often don’t go deep enough to touch upon the transformative journey I wish to guide my clients through.

Salespeople don’t feel trustworthy to me.

My clients have to trust me so I can help them. I’m afraid selling could violate the Trust Relationships I’m seeking in my business.

I feel conflicted about selling because it seems to go against my natural empathetic approach: 

  • Sales feel too transactional and lack the depth of connection that I value in my relationships.
  • I’m troubled by the notion of selling because it feels like it could undermine my intrinsic motivation to serve. 
  • I worry that sales forces me to prioritize the organization’s needs over those of my clients, which causes me internal conflict.
Issues Around The Pain & Cause of Rejection
(1 min read)

When I face the possibility of rejection in a sales conversation… 

I confront a deeply personal battle that shakes the foundations of my professional identity and self-worth (whether I’m aware of this or not).

As a passionate expert in my field, each refusal from a potential client feels like a negation of my work’s value and a questioning of my role within the niche I’ve carved out for myself.

It’s not simply about being turned away; it’s the lingering doubt, the internal narrative that whispers, “What if I’m not as competent as I thought?”

“What if my services don’t resonate as deeply as I believe they do?”

Despite my proven track record, the pain of rejection makes me feel like an outsider, an unknown entity striving to connect in a sea of faces. 

When someone says “No,” it isn’t just a business loss — it’s a personal wound. My entire being is scrutinized, and I wonder why my passion and expertise aren’t enough.

Rejection is a crucible that forces me to question and re-evaluate my business strategies and self-perception. 

FYI: Did you know that rejection activates the same part of your brain as physical PAIN?

These are the kinds of realizations that science brings us.
That’s why we spend so much time researching: to get to the root of an issue.
Opinions are fantastic; we believe facts are better!

Issues Related to That Feeling of Loneliness & Isolation
(1 min read)

Sometimes My Business Makes Me Feel Lonely.

In the quiet spaces between my client sessions, I feel a silence that echoes with loneliness. 

I’m accustomed to navigating the deep and often vulnerable terrains of my clients’ needs and serving as their guide and confidante.

Yet, I yearn for someone who can offer me the same level of understanding and support.

I’ve devoted countless hours to building my business, nurturing it from the ground up. Sometimes with little financial reward. 

This journey has been mine to travel alone. And with each day that passes without the expected success, I hear despair whispering in my ear… spreading tales of inadequacy and doubt.

My Business Makes Me Feel Isolated.

Despite doing transformative work and providing personalized, ethical solutions, I feel isolated without a like-minded support system of people who get me and my issues.

I listen. I advise and empathize.  But who is there to reciprocate these for me?

My friends and family offer kind ears, but the solutions I seek are more complex: 

I need a blend of practical wisdom and ethical guidance that they may not be equipped to provide.

I’m Not Comfortable Asking for Help.

I’m reluctant to ask for help.

I don’t know if it is pride, or if it’s fear?

It may be the notion that as a giver… I shouldn’t need to receive. 

And yet, when someone ghosts me after a connection I thought was meaningful, it’s more than a lost opportunity. It’s a personal defeat.

It’s another small crack in my resolve that questions the value of my work.

I Don’t Want to Feel or Be Invisible in My Field.

The lack of a mentor or community magnifies my loneliness in my field with no one to share my pressing questions with.

I long for a space where vulnerability is not just accepted but embraced — where I can be both a leader and a learner. 

And, where the communal spirit helps to dispel the isolation from bearing the weight of a visionary working alone.

What is the Best Use of My Time & Consistently Finding My Ideal Clients
(1 min read)

As a giver who wants to help people… I’m constantly confronting the relentless tick of the clock. 

Time is the one adversary that consistently challenges my resolve.

There’s a pang of guilt that accompanies the moments I realize…

Once again, I’ve put my business before family, friends, and my well-being

This imbalance leaves a sour taste. It’s a heavy reminder of who, and what, I’ve neglected for the sake of my business.

I want the kind of clients and income that give me the free time to be with the people I love, and have the space and peace of mind to do the things I love.

Compromising and working with the wrong (or less-than-ideal) clients compounds this tension. 

They demand the lion’s share of my time and energy, giving little in return, draining the reservoirs of my passion and vitality.

The pressure to generate immediate income robs me of the luxury of nurturing relationships that require time to bloom.

I’m racing against the clock, and in the process, I risk bypassing the deep connections that could foster long-term success.  

I see the issue… but it keeps popping up in my business. I want a permanent solution.

I’m caught in the whirlwind of time suckers.   

Tasks and demands that mercilessly nibble away at my day leave me wondering where the hours have flown. 

The urgency to earn is a siren call that too often leads me astray from cultivating the deep, meaningful relationships that I know are the cornerstone of sustained success.

Procrastination lurks in the shadows.

I feel busy… but not productive when I evaluate my days.

I find myself yielding to distractions that, while momentarily satisfying, derail me from my true ambitions.

I wish I had a step-by-step operations manual I could refer to to be more productive as a business owner.

I realize my time is valuable, but I don’t know how to bring help into my process.

Amidst this turmoil, I recognize the folly of my solitary struggle:

Why do I hoard tasks that efficient systems, a Virtual Assistant, Personal Assistant, or Executive Assistant could easily handle? 

I don’t know how to find or qualify the right person.

The knowledge that I could delegate, that I should delegate, gnaws at me.

It’s a leap of faith in time management I know I must make: to regain balance, and to refocus on the impactful work that fulfills the core of who I am as a guide, a pathfinder, and a luminary.

I Don’t Feel Safe OR COMFORTABLE In Sales Conversations
(1 min read)

I don’t feel SAFE in a sales conversation because it challenges the foundation of trust and confidentiality I build with my clients:

The pressure to drive a conversation toward a transaction can feel like it’s undermining the principles of discretion and protection that define my role.

Using traditional sales tactics feels intrusive to me, almost as if I’m breaching a sacred trust.

I don’t feel safe in a sales conversation because it can feel like navigating a minefield where any misstep into pressure or desperation could jeopardize the trust I’ve carefully cultivated. 

My role is to be a steadfast guide, not a salesperson; the transactional dynamics often at play in sales situations are at odds with the deep, trust-based relationships I foster.

It’s unsettling to step into a role that doesn’t allow me to prioritize the human aspect first.

I am not at ease with manipulating emotions or steering conversations for the sake of a sale rather than a true meeting of minds and hearts.

I don’t feel “safe” in a sales conversation because it seems to revolve around tactics and strategies to get the person to say “yes,” which departs from my natural inclination to foster genuine connections. 

The transactional nature of these discussions feels cold and impersonal. It’s as if I’m expected to put my empathy aside and focus on the bottom line, which feels alien to the nurturing approach I deeply value. 

My biggest wish is:  I wish there was an ethical sales training that lets me sell the way I serve.