Learn the skills that are helping practitioners make bigger impacts with their clients.

Enjoy Selling Your Vital Work In The World With Confidence.

Learn how to provide safety, clarity and structure in every sales conversation so more ideal clients say “yes” to working with you.

Experience less stress and more enjoyment from your sales process.

Refine your sales process with our proven ethical framework. 

Build your reputation by being recognized for the expert you are. 

Welcome home.

We serve attorneys, therapists, coaches, creatives, guides, consultants, financial & wealth advisors, futurists, industry leaders, and more.

The Ethical Sales Institute is dedicated to healing sales trauma globally: Join the movement of Ethical Sales.

A message for you from our Founder, Marla Mattenson.

Read The News For Ethical Leaders

Enrolling Ideal Clients
The Least Utilized (And Most Effective) Method For Enrolling More Ideal Clients
The Active Referral is one of the most powerful, yet often overlooked, methods for enrolling ideal clients. It remains underutilized
Business Growth
Elevate Your Income & Relationships With Sales
(A Love Letter) I thought you might enjoy a little love note about why I founded the Ethical Sales Institute
Business Growth
From Depleting to Life-Giving
The Secret to Sustainable Service-Based Business “Life-Giving /ˈlīfˌɡiviNG/ – self-sustaining, opposite of destructive.” The business of selling high-value, high-touch services

Our Community of Ethical Sales Practitioners Share:

Kristen D'Amato

Founder & CEO

"Participating in Ethical Sales trainings over the past two years has completely transformed how I interact with everyone - personally and professionally. I feel way more at ease, myself, and confident because how I am selling is finally aligned with my values."

"After 15 years of feeling like nothing was working and trying to force it in an industry that I didn't want to be in anymore, I'm thrilled with my courage to start over. And it's all thanks to being here, in the ESI community. It changed everything. And aside from the statistics, partnerships, and analytics all going up... for me personally, it's huge: when people ask me, 'What are you doing now?' I get to say 'I'm just doing what I freaking love.' I'm seeing exponential growth, and it just feels so good."

Bob Doyle

AI Influencer

Barry Selby

Relationship Coach

"I feel Ethical Sales is the cleanest and most aligned path to clients, and to respect and be aligned with my own work. I have (and am having) transformational and healing experiences far beyond what I expected from being a member of this community, and I am grateful for all of it!"

"I have a lot more confidence after taking Ethical Sales trainings. Learning Ethical Sales has placed me more in a place of receptivity, instead of fighting and striving with the competition. I truly believe in Ethical Sales."

Rich Satnam

Wedding Planning Specialist