Part 5 of 5

Unlock Your Potential with Our Trust Relationship Model

This is an overview of the exact model I use every day. It transformed me from being a $95-an-hour coach to a $25,000-a-month Trusted Advisor.

Dear Fellow Practitioners,

I hope this message finds you well and inspired after delving into Parts 2-3-4 of our video series. 

I’m thrilled now to introduce you to a critical component of our training that has transformed my practice and could revolutionize yours: The Ethical Sales Process Trust Relationship Model.

Inside Our Client Intake and Sales System You’ll Find:

Though I could discuss its merits for hours, I’ve condensed the core concepts into a succinct 7-minute video.

This presentation is crafted to allow you to effortlessly compare it with the other processes I’ve walked through in this video series, and identify enhancements you might like to incorporate into your own practice.

A Reflection of Core Values

Our ethical sales process is deeply intertwined with our core business and personal values, which you’ll see demonstrated through:

We Value Your Feedback

As we continue to refine and expand this method, your insights are invaluable.

After watching the video, please share your thoughts and how these concepts resonate with your practice.

Looking forward to your feedback and wishing you immense success,

✨Marla Mattenson✨

P.S. Your engagement with this series is crucial. Any comments, questions, or suggestions you have are not only welcome but essential for our collective growth. Please reach out at any time.

We Want To Hear From You

Your feedback is invaluable.