“Always render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be.”
~ Og Mandino
“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself
in the service of others.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi
This question, “How can I serve?” has been a deep dance for me for most of my adult life – and usually is, for the heart-centered practitioner who creates offers for the greater benefit of others. The topic of service is a core element of our lives. And it perfectly aligns with the second core principle of Ethical Sales: Sell The Way You Serve.
Service is a way of life. I first discovered this in my twenties, when I first began exploring the massive arena of personal development (also known as personal growth, human development, transformational education, etcetera). When I began learning more powerfully who I am in my authenticity and authority, it became clear that I thrive when I give back; when I serve others.
Taking time to reflect, I realize that over the multiple careers I have enjoyed – I had several before this mission-driven work I do now – the satisfaction that comes from being of service equates to job satisfaction. It has never been about the paycheck (though I do enjoy being compensated well).
And having learned more about Sell The Way You Serve, and how ethical selling is aligned with my values as I offer my services to others, I now choose to look at every sales conversation, every discovery session, every business consultation as an invitation to serve the other person.
Because every interaction, every conversation, and every dialogue offers me an opportunity to improve the other person’s experience, the other person’s day. Adding a small smile, a kind word, asking how they are doing, are easy ways to uplift and can generate rapport. This, too, is service.
I carry this responsibility of service with me when I am shopping, or at a coffee shop – offering to help others, offering support if I see a need – and I’m even getting better with this when I am driving!
A very important lesson I have learned while practicing this second core principle of Ethical Sales, “Sell The Way You Serve,” is that often the person I meet and serve is not meant to be a client. However, they often become referrals and connectors to other potential clients – even without intentionally asking for that referral. This is one of the gifts of Selling The Way You Serve.
Especially in my sales conversations, I focus on serving the other person throughout the conversation. It is, for me, the only way to market my services. What can I offer of value in that time we have together, even if they don’t invest in my services?
Another important lesson I’ve learned is that because relationships are built and improved by sharing from our overflow, being of service to our partner and pouring into the other does require us being self-fulfilled first.
When we fill our cup first, so to speak, we can give more easily and without overextending ourselves. When two partners in any kind of relationship come from this perspective, the relationship can thrive. This infuses my marketing and sales practices, and is also one of the fifty principles I share in my book, “50 Ways To Love Your Lover.”[1]
And the wonderful thing about service is it is always available to us; we don’t need to be in a sales conversation to figure out what someone else needs to help their lives for good. If you want to feel better about yourself, if you feel life isn’t going your way, spend a few hours in service to someone or something other than you. Help out at an animal shelter, help feed those less well off than yourself, volunteer with a nature project, find something that places you in service outside yourself. Your inner state, and your business, will change for the better.
[1] Book: 50 Ways To Love Your Lover. https://a.co/d/4zL5IAQ or https://barryselby.com/book
Barry Selby
Barry is a masterful relationship expert, author, podcaster, inspirational speaker, and spiritual guide, affectionally known as “The Love Doctor.” He guides his clients and audience to powerfully love themselves, regaining their wholeness, and helping successful individuals to attract their healthy and fulfilling relationship.